Facial Peels

What is a “PEELING”?  Peeling means what it says, the peeling of the skin.  There are a number of different methods and procedures which may cause the skin to peel.  You can get the skin to peel by rubbing it with liquid nitrogen, by applying acids to it in various concentrations or by exposing it to ultra violet rays or sun lamps, creating skin peeling after sunburn.  Continued exposure to the sun’s damaging rays as well as sun beds, increasing your risk of potentially deadly skin cancers.  Some acids will destroy the epidermal cells including both the horny cells and if the acid concentration is high even the sub-horny cells. Skin peeling was invented and perfected in 1882 by the German dermatologist, Unna.  Not all the best techniques have been developed in the last 20 years.  

Unna describes his method of peeling as “exfoliation” a word which should be retained for it describes what takes place and helps to distinguish this method of peeling from others.  The special characteristic of “The Skin Renewal Peelings” is that no destruction of the cells in involved.  Cells in the horny layer detach from the skin but are not destroyed.  Sloughing off the dead skin is far from being the most important occurrence that happens during peeling.  The reason that peeling is effective is not because it causes the skin to peel. The effects of exfoliation are found deep in the epidermis and in the dermis, leading to the formation of new collagen and elastin.